Insurance Products
It’s our adviser’s goal to protect local friend’s, neighbor’s, and businesses against the inevitable bumps and bruises of life.
As an independent agent, we combine products provided by the most respected insurance providers into a custom package that meets your personal or business needs.
We will work hard to put together a custom plan that applies to you — Our goal is always to give you the coverage you need at the lowest possible price.
Term Insurance
Term Insurance is as basic as it gets. It's referred to as "term" because it's only in effect for a specific period of time. Unlike permanent life insurance, it doesn't accumulate cash value. So It's typically the most affordable insurance. It's designed solely to protect your family, home, or saving should anything happen to you. With annually renewable term, your premiums may increase each year; with level term, your premiums stay constant for the period applied for.
Index Universal Life
Safety and Security are the most important features to look for in a life insurance policy. Non-guaranteed policy features have the potential to enhance policy values. There are risk and rewards associated with these non-guaranteed features. The challenge is to find the policy that has potential to deliver benefits your looking for with a risk level that is acceptable to you.
One of the more innovative options available today is an index interest crediting methodology based in part on the performance of one of more external financial indices. Interest is calculated based in part on changes in the index (without dividends) and credited at the end of the index interest crediting term. Because returns are based in part on a specific index's performance, fixed index interest universal life insurance may offer a greater potential for cash value growth than non-index interest universal life insurance. However, if the external index performs poorly, he index interest credited to your policy may be less than interest credited under life insurance policies that provide declared interest rates, and in some or all years, you might receive no index interest.
Universal Life
Universal Life insurance offers policy owners the flexibility to choose both the amount of insurance and the premium to be paid with a range of potential premiums. Some great features universal life insurance policies offer are, as needs change, the amount of coverage and premiums paid may be adjusted to certain limitations. Premium payments are credited to a cash value account where the policy earns tax-deferred interest at a rate set by the carrier, which may be higher than the minimum rate guaranteed in the policy. Last, the policy expenses and cost of insurance chargers are deducted monthly from this cash value account. Generally, cash values can be accessed by the policy owner through policy loans and withdrawals (charges may apply).
Whole & Final Expense
Your family depends on you, and there's no substitute for your love and support. But there's comfort in knowing you can help provide financial security for them with whole life insurance. Whole life insurance protects you for your whole life. Whole life can be a solid foundation upon which to build a long-term financial plan because it provides lifetime protection for your family or business.
Annuities are a financial product that allows a contract holder to accumulate money on a tax-deferred basis and receive a series of payments at regular intervals. People purchase annuities to obtain an income or to supplement retirement income they will receive from Social Security, pension benefits, investments and other sources. There are many different types of annuity contracts. Immediate annuity contracts provide income payments that normally begin within a year after the premium is paid. Deferred annuity contracts provide income payments that begin later, often after many years.